E l e m e n t a

An honouring of and bowing to the external and internal elements. A revering of all that makes up who we are.

E L E M E N T A is rooted in our relationship with ourselves along with how it is reflected in relationships on the outside.

The elements of Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Ether all correlate with our Human experience. We offer wisdom and teachings related to the elements. We are E L E M E N T A because of how we honour the land and work with Earth Medicine, how we connect to the energies of the Moon, and how deeply we feel the seasons of change. We are equipped with practices that support the emotional elements, mental elements, physical elements, and spiritual elements.

We are on the E L E M E N T A path of full embodiment where no aspect of ourselves is rejected, denied, wrong, or bad. We accept ourselves exactly as we are. And this reconciliation of our elements is the weaving of what once was a dream. Authenticity and integrity are upheld within this modern-day paradigm as E L E M E N T A stands for True Expression.

We acknowledge all that we carry, the skeletons and the shadows, and through radical acceptance, we give permission to show up raw, real, messy, and unchanged.

Becoming familiar with oneself and acknowledging all of your elements is actively honouring who you are; your story, journey, dreams, hardships, lessons, and successes, all encompassed.

The ancient art of sacred gathering

Remembering this ancient art has been the greatest gift along our paths, and has brought us healing on levels we never could have imagined possible.

Moving through Practices, Rituals, and Ceremonies, E L E M E N T A offers intentional experiences that root you down deep while being held in a Group Container. Step into Sacred Space where you are free to explore your inner Landscape and expand your understanding of self. No matter where you are on your journey, we welcome you fully to join us in Gathering.

The ethos of E L E M E N T A is deeply rooted in self-honouring, elemental wisdom, and the integration of all aspects of the self.

Often we think of the elements outside of us, but we can also consider them as a representation of our inner landscape. Ask yourself what are the elements that make up who I am? Could be traits of your personality, your passions, your gifts, your wounds, or your story. The elemental connection we share is the Fire of our spirits, the Waters of our blood and tears, the Air in our lungs, and the Earth in our bones.

The elements come together in perfect harmony in nature, all able to have an impact on each other. Earth can obstruct any path that Water flows through. Water can put fire out, but fire can turn water into steam (which can burn worse than fire!) Air can give life to a fire, feeding it to grow and spread. Air can also blow the flame of a candle right out. Lightning only exists when it is raining because the raindrops move rapidly through a storm, creating a strong negative current which lightning comes from. Earth catches Fire from these lightning strikes. Growth exists from the waters that feed us and the sunlight that turns nutrients into energy. They are individual forces of the one force that is Nature.

Fire is the energy of Spirit in the East on the medicine wheel. It represents the spark of a new beginning. It may be balancing for those who lack motivation and passion. We ask Fire Energy to ignite us, burn away all that doesn’t serve, and show us the light within.

Earth is the energy of the Physical in the West on the medicine wheel. It can be balancing for those who are in their heads, or more airy. We ask Earth Energy to ground us and root us into the presence of each moment.

Water is the energy of the Emotions in the South on the medicine wheel. The tides of our emotions may cause rolling waves or massive swells. Our waters are influenced by the moon’s gravitational pull. It may be balancing for those who are protective of their hearts, and those who see weakness in emotions and vulnerability. We ask Water Energy to gently guide us back into flow.

Air is the energy of the Mind in the North on the medicine wheel. The air that breaths to life all beings and plants. It may balance disorganized thoughts and attachments, or offer a higher vantage point to look at a situation from. We ask Air Energy to move through us and clarify our thoughts so we may feel as light as a feather.

“I Experienced the most amazing incredible goddess rising retreat with Earthly Blyss! Both Alyssa’s had this event catered to the nines. Spiritual freedom, open souls, & I left with an amazing rejuvenation.”

-Desirae Leadbetter

“Surround yourself with people who feel like sunshine. It's the best advice I've ever got and ever GIVEN. You know the ones. The moment you are with light keepers your armour slips off, tension melts, and you feel free to just be. These are your people. If you don't have people like this in your life, find them, because they do exist.

It took me a lonnnggg time to find those people, but the wait was worth it. The beauty is that once you find one, they usually know others because people like that know their own magic, they see it in others, and they shine together without trying to dim the other. Last weekend deep in the trees at the eLEMENTA Goddess Rising Retreat I was held by Mother Nature and the company of women searching deep within themselves to feel the warmth of their own light and feel it in others. Sometimes when our own light has been cast out it is so hard to get it re-lit and then someone comes along and reminds us of it and helps us light it again. Once it's lit protect it. It's easier to protect it THAN it is to have it go out and start Your fire from dampened embers Thank you to all the light keepers I was surrounded by this weekend.”

-Kade Bailey

“The Goddess Rising Retreat was a beautiful weekend of connection, compassion and sisterhood. Alyssa R and Alyssa T did a wonderful job of making everyone feel welcome, cozy and comfortable. The attention to detail and the flow of the weekend were so nice to settle into. A beautiful celebration of the self and permission to receive full-body, mind and soul nourishment!”

-Krystina Amato

These amazing ladies have magical souls that will help you transform yourself into the goddess you are!

-Tina Mathieu

“ I was able to experience such a magical weekend, surrounded by incredible, kind and uplifting women. I will forever be grateful for the practices I learned, the memories I made and the beautiful souls I met.

The retreat was profound in so many different ways! I was able to connect with such incredible women and connect deeper with them myself. The entire weekend was healing for my mind, heart and soul. I have never felt such relaxation yet invigoration at the same time before. I will hold that weekend near and dear in my heart forever. I'm already looking forward to next year!

Thank you @ELEMENTA for hosting such an inspiring retreat

My heart is full”

-Anika Kleinluntenbeld